Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Mortal Kombat X

Image result for mortal kombat xMortal Kombat X is one of my favorite games ever. I love the fighting in the game because it really gets me hype all the time. The action in the game is so intense it makes me want to puke sometimes. The game was released on April 14,2015 for the Microsoft Windows, Xbox One, and PlayStation 4. I wasn't really interested in the game at first until my dad told me a lot of stuff about it. I told him "that really sounds interesting.'' After I was finish with VBS I went home to watch some videos on the games. The more videos I saw about the game, the more eager I was to get the game.
On July 14th my parents and I traveled to Miami for two days. After the two days in Miami we drove to Tampa. My main goal was to get the game before we come back home. On the third day of our vacation we went to a mall. I told my parents that I wanted Mortal Kombat. My dad and I walked around the mall for a while, before we went to GameStop. When we reached GameStop I immediately found the game. I was going to but, my dad got for me instead.
When I got the game I could not wait to play it. I was so impatient because I wanted to play the game so bad. On the last of our vacation was I was as excited as a puppy. The plane landed and I was so happy to be back home.
When we left the airport and we went straight home. When we reached home, I rushed inside my house to play the game. The game is so good that I can play it for the rest of my life, that's how good the game is

Image result for scorpion vs sub zerohttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jSi2LDkyKmI
Scorpian and Sub-Zero
Image result for scorpion vs sub zero

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