Monday, May 8, 2017

East End trip

On a bright early Saturday morning I woke up and got ready because I was going to East End for the whole day with some people from my church. I got picked up from my house and got something to eat before we started the long day. There was three buses for transportation, but I did not go on one of the buses. Instead of going on one of the buses I went in a fully build race evolution. That car is one of the fastest car that I’ve ever in been yet in my life. I love that car so much that I would just like that. Then when got to East End we went to The Royal Reef which a beautiful hotel.
Then when got settled in the Conference Room. Then all of got more food and drinks before started. To start this long day off we all watched a couple of videos for a while. Then after watching the videos a person would come up and start talking about their life and how they got to where they are now. After that person was done speaking we all got our swimming clothes and went in the pool for at least an hour. While we were in the pool we all decided to play chicken fight which was so hilarious that could not stop laughing.
After an hour went by we all got out of the pool all dried off and changed our clothes. Then we went back into the Conference Room and watched more videos. After we watched the video, another person came up and talked about life/discipline.
After that person was done speaking we all went on the bus. We went to the beach to light a bond fire to end the long day.

Overall it was very fun and got time to hang out with my friends and enjoy the day.

Thursday, May 4, 2017

Awkward Family Photos

The reason I chose this blog is because it kind of relates to me because family would always take awkward photos when you are not expecting it. This blog is also a very funny blog because it has different features that you can look at instead of one. The features includes photos, videos, articles, lists, and Hall of Fame. Sometimes your Mom and Dad are taking a photo together of them kissing each, the brother and the sister tends to have enough of the family shoot. Also you can find some family pictures really creepy. For example you find a picture of your parents in a shoe box or somewhere in the closet. When you look at that picture you’ll find scary or creepy.
One day if you are walking around the house and you find a random photo of you when you are younger people would tend to laugh at it because your parents would embarrass you when you were younger at the time.
Also that is what I would do if I was younger. I would a have a laugh at the picture because I couldn’t believe the stuff that I would wear when I was younger at the time.
Also the videos are quite funny. For example a mom was high on painkillers and she couldn’t even remember that she gave birth to her own son which is so hilarious. Another funny videos is about these two elderly sisters. They have sisters for 97 years but they still argue with each other at times.

This is the reason why I chose this blog. This is the funniest blog that I’ve seen yet so far.

Monday, March 20, 2017


This weekend my friend and I went to Camana Bay again, but this time we just long boarded for fun. We left the house at noon. When we got to Camana Bay we were dropped off by the roundabout. Then we long boarded all the way to the gas station to grab something to eat.
After we got our food we went across to sports supply to see a friend. My friend and I were in Sports Supply for almost an hour talking. After that we decided to long board all the way out to West Bay. My legs gave out and was so tired that I decided to take a break for a couple of minutes. My friend and I then long boarded back to the gas station again to grab something to drink because we were very thirsty.
When we got the drinks we went back to Camana to chill inside the ice cream shop for a few minutes. After a minutes we were ready to long board again. This time we long boarded all round Camana Bay. We long boarded around the parking lot and the parking garage. Then we long boarded around the movies for a while. Then we went all the way to the end. When we got to the end we long boarded on the docks to the other side of Camana Bay and back. The ride was so smooth that I would’ve done that over and over again until I get tired.

Overall I had a great time with my friend and hopefully I can get a long board of my own sometime.
Image result for long boardImage result for camana bay

Monday, March 13, 2017

Weekend spent with my friend

For my weekend my friend and I went to the science fair at CIS in Camana Bay. I woke up early in the morning. It’s a good thing that I’m used to waking up early in the morning or else I wouldn’t be waking up until the afternoon. At 8am my friend’s mom came for us and took us there. When we got to the roundabout by CIS we took the long boards out of the car. That’s when I learned how to long board for the first time. I thought that it would’ve been difficult, but when my friend teach me the tips of long boarding it was very easy. It’s actually easier than skateboarding. After my friend taught me how to long board we headed over to the science fair. When we got there my friend and I saw some very interesting stuff that we’ve never seen before.
My friend and I walked around and observed the other interesting things around. After a while my and I long board back to Camana Bay to head to Pandora because my friend wanted to buy something for his girlfriend, so helped him out by giving him some extra cash to buy what he wanted. Then when we were finished with Pandora, I was getting hungry so my friend and I went to Burger King to get something to eat. After I was done eating we went to Sports Supply to talk to a person that my friend knew.
We were in there for quite a while talking about a lot of interesting things. When were done we said “goodbye”. Then we left Sports Supply and went back to the science fair for the rest of the time.

It was a good weekend spent with my friend and I hope to do something like that again soon.
Image result for camana bay
Camana Bay

Image result for CIS science fair cayman
CIS Science Fair

Monday, February 13, 2017

My weekend

This weekend was probably one of the best weekends that I've ever had. At 10:00 in the morning my friend messaged me and asked if he could come over to my house. I told him yes. As I was waiting for my friends, I played video games for the time being.
 At 12 in the afternoon my friends finally arrived to my house. 
We were getting bored so we decided to watch XXX parts one and two for some entertainment. The movie was so exciting and full of action that I started to get excited myself. Then after the movie my friends and I played games for the time being. 
Couple of hours later we all got hungry so we all decided to order pizza. Then when the pizza was done my mom took us all out to get the pizza. When we got home we all devoured the pizza. Guess that’s what happens when you’re very hungry. 
After we ate we watched one more movie to get some entertainment. When the movie was done my friend decided to prank call some people. When my friends deciding to prank call people they used a creepy scary little girl voice so that they wouldn’t go to bed. 
When I heard the voice for myself I was getting scared myself. My heart was pounding like a hammer. I never felt my heart beating so fast in my life before. Then it was dark outside and I heard the doorbell rang. I went out to look and see who it was. I didn’t see anything but a shadow. I got very scared, but I still opened the door and it turned out to be my friend’s dad and I was relieved. Other than that I had a great time with my friends.

Sunday, February 5, 2017

JamFest and D-Now

This weekend was the best one of the weekend that I've had yet. On Friday my youth group went to JamFest. There was different artist performing such as Pauze Entertainment, Positive etc. The concert was packed with people! Everyone was having a good time, dancing, jumping up and down to the music. After JamFest was done we went back to the youth building. While we were at the youth building we all waiting to be assigned to different homes. That's when D-Now started. As my friends and I were assigned to a home we all got our bags and went to our homes. As we got to the house we took out our bags and laid in the room that we all shared. Everyone got out their pillows and blanket and went to sleep because we were all exhausted from the concert.
The next morning we all woke up and started the day with a big plate of breakfast sitting on the table just waiting to be devoured. After breakfast we all got ready and went back to the youth building to begin an awesome time of being with friends.
First we talked about right choices and how it would affect your life. Next we a break and just talked with friends. Then we talked more about right choices. Then after we talked about right choices, lunch was served for everyone to enjoy.
After lunch everyone got into groups and we all went on a scavenger hunt. After the scavenger hunt was done we all met at Kings Sport Center where. All of us had a good time roller skating and enjoy each other's company.
At 5pm we all left Kings and went back to the youth building to have dinner. After dinner we talked about the things we did. At 9pm everyone got their stuff and went home,
It was a great time and I'm looking forward to do something like that again.

